Benefits of Insulated Garage Doors

If you’re a homeowner who is beaten down by the effects the cold winter months have on your living space and vehicle, it may well be worth the effort to install a brand-new insulated garage door. Insulating a garage door adds a dimension to the insulation you may already have inserted in your walls and ceiling. In fact, by adding insulation for garage doors, you’re installing another barrier between the warm confines of your home and the exact point of entry for cold weather.

While the effects of an insulated garage door can change depending on whether your garage is attached to your home or a separate structure, there are several benefits that an extra layer of insulation can provide. Here are three advantages of insulated garage doors for your home.

1. Warmer Environment

Insulating your garage door will help keep warm air in and cold air out. While freezing temperatures will inescapably peep through when the door opens, insulation adds a barrier for keeping the cold air on the outside when the door shuts. And it’s not just the garage that will stay warmer — the rooms that border the walls or ceiling above your garage will also see the same toasty benefits of insulated doors.

The items you store inside your garage will also see a better life. Tools such as power washers and gas lawnmowers will not see their liquids freezing — which poses a threat to their inner workings. You can also extend the life of your car battery, considering one will thrive in temperatures that rest between 30 and 90 degrees.

2. Garage Door Energy Efficiency

Metal is a material that conducts heat and cold. Without a layer of insulation, your metal garage door will transfer the cold temperatures that exist outside. Whether you add insulation to the metal or choose a fiberglass garage door with a foam core, you can contribute to the reported 70 percent reduction of lost heat throughout your garage during the winter. This allows you to save energy inside your home while saving extra money on those monthly bills.

3. Quieter, Stronger Components

Insulation for garage doors does double-duty as soundproofing. It reduces the noise of cars zooming by and wind rustling through the ridges and cracks of your exterior door. Not only will your garage door be quieter — it’ll be stronger, also. Insulating a garage door adds a second and even a third layer of width to your garage door, bracing against harsh winds and even the accidental car dent.

Without insulation on your garage doors, you could be allowing cold air to seep in through not just your garage, but all the rooms in your home. You’ll also be using more energy and gas in your home to heat the interior, which lessens fuel-efficiency. Insulated garage doors won’t just keep you warm during the cold winter months — they also keep you cool during the scorching summer heat waves by regulating the indoor temperature and blocking out exterior conditions.

Contact Cornwell Door Service Today

If you’re ready to experience why insulating a garage door can be a beneficial option for your home comfort, request an estimate for your door replacement at Cornwell Door Service today. Our team of professionals is dedicated to enriching the lives of homeowners all across South Central PA. Schedule a service online or call us at 717-273-9841 to make an appointment!
